In this article I will explain three different methods of finding areas with AutoCAD, I will use the geometry shown in the image below for explaining this tip. AREA command: In order to find the area of rectangle or circle from the image above type AREA on the command line and press enter. Now command line will show a prompt with many options as shown in the image below. Select Object from this prompt and click on the boundary of Rectangle or Circle for which you want to find the area. The area of the object will appear above command line along with its perimeter or circumference. In a similar way, you can find the area of any closed Polyline geometry with AREA command. Watch this video for a detailed tutorial on Area command and other tools related to finding different geometrical properties of an object in AutoCAD.


Using hatch: You can use hatch command also to find the area of enclosed geometries. In the example drawing shown above area B (indicated by blue color) is enclosed by circle and rectangle and you can make a hatch in that area and find the area of that region using area of the hatch.

Updated Sep 4th 2018, 4:10 PM THE STATE’S CORPORATE watchdog has been successful in its High Court bid to have inspectors appointed to investigate affairs at Independent News Media (INM). Mr Justice Peter Kelly made the ruling today, after months of legal wrangling between the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) and INM. Warcraft 3 reign chaos crack razor 1911 1. The State’s corporate watchdog took the legal action over allegations that the emails of staff members at the country’s largest media group were accessed – without the employees’ knowledge – by a third-party firm.

Feb 13, 2017 - Been there, done that.

Create a hatch in region B of sample drawing, you can use any hatch pattern for this. Now exit hatch command and select hatch created in area B then right click and select properties from the contextual menu. A property palette will appear, scroll down in the palette and locate geometries panel there you will see Area of the hatch. This hatch area will also be the area of enclosed geometry. Using JOIN command: Let’s take the example of figure D from sample drawing shown above. In this case, we have a geometry made up of Spline, Line and Arc. You can’t use AREA command on this geometry because we don’t have a single object here so I will use JOIN command for finding its area.

Type J on the command line and press enter now select complete geometry and press enter again, this will join complete geometry into a single unit. Now select geometry then right-click and go to properties from the contextual menu, scroll down in this menu and here too you will the see area and total boundary length of the closed geometry. Instead of using JOIN command you can also use REGION for combining geometries into a single unit and then find its area from properties palette. Do you have any questions related to finding the area? Let me know in comments below. I am a mechanical engineer and I have worked with Design, Manufacturing and Training industries but now SourceCAD is my full-time work and I use it to train students all over the world. I also train corporate clients and help them develop the skill set of their workforce.

I am Autodesk AutoCAD Certified Professional and an Autodesk expert elite member. I am a regular contributor of AUGI World magazine and apart from SourceCAD I also develop AutoCAD video courses for Pluralsight and other E-Learning businesses.

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