This book is a translation of the original Tamil compilation of the lives of sixty three Saivite Saints, written in 12th century by Saint Sekkizhar. Like Alwars (Saints who worshipped Lord Vishnu) these saints called Nayanars were deeply immersed in their devotion for Lord Shiva. The lives of more prominent among them - Sundarar, Kannappa, Appar, Sambandhar- are described at length. Highly recommended read for devout people, however it will be of great interest to others who are interested in goo This book is a translation of the original Tamil compilation of the lives of sixty three Saivite Saints, written in 12th century by Saint Sekkizhar. Like Alwars (Saints who worshipped Lord Vishnu) these saints called Nayanars were deeply immersed in their devotion for Lord Shiva. The lives of more prominent among them - Sundarar, Kannappa, Appar, Sambandhar- are described at length. Highly recommended read for devout people, however it will be of great interest to others who are interested in good literature and vivid stories.

Some more details about this book at.

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Periya Puranam In Tamil Pdf World

The Periya Puranam is a classical Tamil scripture that describes the lives of 63 Saivite saints.Down through the centuries it has had immense influence over the devotional tradition of Saivism in South India. Bontempi keyboard pm 747 driver download fastershire. Salient Features of Periya PuraNam. A) The high esteem Thamizh people have for Periya PuraNam may be ascribed to its simplicity and the purity of the language which is not as highly Sanskritized as in contemporary works. This enabled SEkkizhAr to communicate effectively with people and deliver them the message of the excellence of Saiva.

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